We’ve got another busy week of industry webinars and events, both virtual and in-person, to tell you about! Topics range from automotive 3D printing and 3D printing steel to point-of-care 3D printing, a virtual tour, AM feedstocks, and more. Read on for the details!
SOLIDWORKS CAM & CAMWorks Webinar Series
This week, HCL Technologies‘ CAMWorks is holding a free webinar series, beginning with a Getting Started webinar at 11 am EST on Tuesday, July 13th about how to use SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard and including the basics of 2.5 and 3 axis milling and a quick introduction on the Technology Database, or TechDB, which can be used to automate CNC programming. SOLIDWORKS CAM for Designers will be held at 2 pm on the 13th, and focus on how to improve designs, reduce costs, and make parts easier to manufacture with SOLIDWORKS CAM. At 11 am EST on Thursday, July 15th, Getting Started with the TechDB will give attendees an overview on how to use the TechDB included in CAMWorks and SOLIDWORKS CAM. Finally, at 2 pm EST on the 15th, the series will end with 5 Reasons to Switch to Integrated CAD/CAM.
“In an effort to provide easily accessible training and educational material to the CAM industry professionals, we have launched FREE SOLIDWORKS CAM & CAMWorks webinar series to help you utilize the extra time for gaining an advantage in the future. This webinar series will provide an opportunity to sharpen your CAM skills and possibly learn more advanced features and functionalities that might help you secure additional orders, helping maintain business operations.”
AMCPR Crisis Response Challenge Workshop
From 12 – 4 pm EST on the 13th, the Advanced Manufacturing Crisis Production Response (AMCPR) program, led by America Makes and supported by the SecureAmerica Institute and EOS, is holding a workshop on its Crisis Response challenge. After an introduction from John Wilczynski, Executive Director of America Makes, attendees will learn about the strategic role that supply chains play in national security, resilience, and competitiveness, get an overview of the AMCPR program itself, hear more about the supporting organizations, discuss digital manufacturing, and more, before Chris Holshouser, Director of Applied Programs for SecureAmerica, closes the workshop.
“Come join us in our Crisis Response Challenge Workshop to learn more about AMCPR, share and experience first-hand accounts of responders, and help shape solutions to prepare the U.S. for future crises while contributing to the enhancement of our national competitiveness and resiliency. Your support is needed.”
You can register for the workshop here.
Shapeways & BASF on Automotive AM Materials
Also starting at 12 pm EST on the 13th, Shapeways and BASF Forward AM are holding a webinar called “Driving Advances in Automotive: Forward AM Materials for 3D Printing.” Attendees will learn how to leverage 3D printing for automotive end-use parts and prototypes, what kind of materials and finishing options there are for automotive 3D printing, the accuracy, quality control, repeatability, and scalability offered by Shapeways and BASF, and more, from speakers Steve Weart, the Director of Customer Success at Shapeways, and Jeremy Vos, business development manager at BASF Forward AM in North America.
“Shapeways and BASF co-present a webinar on manufacturing high-performance parts for the automotive industry using the most advanced technology and materials in additive manufacturing.”
You can register for the webinar here.
3D Systems on NoSupports Metal 3D Printing
The latest 3D Systems webinar is called “NoSupports Metal Printing: Discover How to Get Highly Optimized Parts with Greater Design Freedom with Reduced Support Build Strategies,” and will be held at 2 pm EST on Tuesday the 13th. Speaker Michael Mann, 3D Systems Application Development Engineer, will discuss the historical challenge of minimum support angles, the company’s 3DXpert software tools for parameter assigntment and advanced segmentation, multi-exposure and thermal blades strategies, and more.
“Together with 3D Systems’ leading expertise and machine platforms, our 3DXpert software package has advanced metal AM capabilities to help expand your design envelope with features such as multi-exposure and thermal blades to help you realize the goal of no supports. Multi-exposure can drastically reduce the self-supporting angle while maintaining a high-quality surface finish, and thermal blades provide a structure to transfer heat and control the weld process for the lowest-angle features without welding to the part.”
You can register for the webinar here.
AM Solutions Continues Live Event Series
Last month, AM Solutions began a six-part live event series called Inside AM, where company representatives from different industrial sectors offer a behind-the-scenes look at their operations and discuss their AM applications, experience, visions, and obstacles. The live stream events are interactive, conducted in English, and moderated by Georg Schöpf, the editor-in-chief of Additive Fertigung magazine. Participants will report on the status of AM in their respective industries and companies, while viewers can ask questions live. Last month’s guest was Christoph Hansen, the Director of Technology & Innovation at Sauber Engineering AG, and this Wednesday, July 14th, at 9 am EST, Andreas Knöchel, the Head of Program Management Additive Manufacturing Lattice for Oechsler AG, will be joining Inside AM.
“Additive Manufacturing is changing the world! Vision or already real?” Our new interactive and live series “inside AM” will discuss this with leading industry experts.”
You can register for the event here.
GE Additive’s AMP Software
The latest GE Additive webinar, called “A Data-Centric Approach to Additive Manufacturing – GE Additive’s Amp Software Platform,” will be held at 10 am EST on the 14th. Led by Nic Sabo, GE Additive Advanced Lead Engineer, this webinar will teach attendees about the Amp software platform, which was developed exclusively for use with GE Additive’s metal 3D printers. The software allows users to simulate process distortion of the print process, then use the results to get automatic compensation of input geometry in order to render a part that meets geometric tolerances. Additionally, Amp allows you to take advantage of data traceability, build preparation, and slicing, and achieve faster development, higher yield, and expanded applications.
“Adopting additive manufacturing (AM) can be a difficult process. Choosing the right modality, materials, and applications is a significant hurdle many companies face while adopting AM. But, what about data? After all, AM is a highly digital process. GE Additive’s Amp software platform was developed to create a single data flow from conceptual design to end-use component. Leveraging years of experience through trial and error, building our own systems from the ground up, and evaluating applications, GE Additive created a streamlined workflow for your data needs.”
You can register for the webinar here.
TriMech & DELMIA | Works
Also at 10 am EST on the 14th, TriMech will be holding a webinar called “What Can DELMIA | Works Do For You?” all about the advanced features of DELMIA | Works. TriMech Elite Application Engineer, Stephen Petrock will discuss Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, which helps companies manage and integrate core components of their business, and why you need it to improve your own business. He’ll also discuss how to configure the system to meet business challenges, and why DELMIA | Works—supposedly the only ERP born on the manufacturing floor—is the best option to help take your business to the next level.
“Learn about the advanced features of DELMIA | Works and how this can be configured to tackle the unique challenges of your manufacturing business. Stephen will also highlight the MES, ERP, CRM, SCM, and WMS components that allows for real-time visibility and control over the entire manufacturing process.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Additive Manufacturing in Defense
As soon as the TriMech webinar ends, you should log on to this one by America Makes and George Mason University’s Center for Government Contracting, called “Additive Manufacturing in Defense: Implications of New DoD Policy,” which goes from 10:30 am until 12 pm EST on the 14th. The DoD has been using 3D printing for more than a decade, and it’s been steadily impacting defense acquisition and manufacturing effectiveness for the better. After a keynote address by Rob Gold, Director, Technology and Manufacturing Industrial Base, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), the Center for Government Contracting’s Executive Director Jerry McGinn will moderate a panel discussion between Angela Tymofichuk, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Logistics and Product Support, Headquarters USAF; COL Farrell A Duncombe, Director for Maintenance Policy and Programs, G-44, Headquarters Department of the Army; and John Wilczynski, Executive Director of America Makes.
“At this event, we will discuss the recently issued DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.93, “The Use of Additive Manufacturing in DoD,” and explore the expected impacts of this policy, including obstacles to broader use of AM. Join us to discuss with our distinguished panelists, ‘What is the future of AM in DoD?’
“This is the first-ever DoD-wide policy on AM and it establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and details procedures regarding the implementation and use of AM within the Department.”
You can register for the event here. This will be a Zoom webinar, but if you’re in the Arlington, Virginia area, seats for the event on the university’s Arlington campus are on a first-come/first-served basis.
Elementum 3D Printing Steel

Three experts will discuss the steel initiative of Elementum 3D to achieve ductility and increased strength, as well as integrate RAM technologies into the high-performance steel-based AM alloy powders by Böhler, in a webinar called “Bridging the Gap” at 11 am EST on the 14th. In addition to hearing from Elementum 3D’s President and Founder Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein, BÖHLER Edelstahl’s Business Development Manager – AM Powder Daniel Diepold, and Dr. Steve Midson, a Research Professor with the Colorado School of Mines, the webinar will also introduce the new “Additive Manufacturing Steel Part Design Competition,” and provide all the rules, prizes, and timeframe.
“The 1.5 hour webinar will explore efforts being made to develop a stronger 3D printed (3DP) laser powder bed fusion steel alloy powder and up-to-date insights on the latest emerging technology trends as they relate to printed steel components with conformal cooling for die casting applications, wear protection layers and tooling.”
You can register for the webinar here. Your entrance to the AM Steel Part Design Competition is included with your registration.
Additive Manufacturing Coalition on AM Workforce Needs
The last webinar on Wednesday the 14th will take place at 3 pm EST, and it’s actually a live Zoom forum presented by the Additive Manufacturing Coalition, called “Workforce Development Panel Discussion: Additive Manufacturing.” Dr. Ellen Lee, Technical Leader Additive Manufacturing at the Ford Motor Company, and panelists Dr. Jim McGuffin-Cawley from Case Western University, Professor Eric Woolridge from Somerset Community College, and Capt. Brad Baker from the United States Naval Academy will discuss AM workforce needs, and how to create tomorrow’s strong additive workforce.
“Please join the Additive Manufacturing Coalition as we host a panel discussion on the needs and approaches to developing an additive competent workforce.”
You can RSVP for the event here.
TÜV SÜD Continues Virtual Training Series
TÜV SÜD continues its virtual AM training course series this Thursday and Friday, July 15-16, with “Industry standards in Additive Manufacturing (AM).” Each four hour-long virtual session starts at 1 am EST / 7 am CET, and covers the current AM standards and how they can be applied to your business. Attendees will learn about the language and terminology used in AM-specific standards, and the webinar will also cover several selected AM standards, including construction, materials, test procedures, quality assurance, personnel and safety, and more.
“In all industries, standards ensure that processes do not have to be redefined again and again and that there is an approach that is generally recognized. In additive manufacturing, contrary to widespread assumptions, standardization is already on the right track. DIN committees and the Joint Committee of ISO and ASTM unite a large number of relevant market participants and already provide a good range of standards. The question arises in which areas standardisation is advantageous for whom. Particular focus will be placed on safety-relevant topics.”
You can register for the webinar here.
TriMech on Keeping Your Data Clean
If you’re in the EST time zone and still awake, you can log in to another TriMech webinar at 10 am on the 15th, called “Hand Sanitizer for Your Data – Keeping it Clean.” TriMech Application Engineer Patricia Bar will explain how to use the functions in the SOLIDWORKS PDM environment to quickly find files, and organize your data, using searches and templates based off of information you already know. Attendees will learn how to create a set structure of folders using templates, how to insert files into specific folders, how you can use personalized searches to find your files more easily, and more.
“Patricia will demonstrate how to keep a consistent look to your folders while making it easier to find your data. Creating search favorites and checking in your work with simply one click are two impressive features of SOLIDWORKS PDM that will allow you to regain that time you would have spent searching. Need some important information to be stored in those folders? No problem! Patricia can demonstrate how to setup a dialog box to prompt important information and auto-fills that directly into your data card.”
You can register for the webinar here.
ASTM’s Two-Part AM Feedstock Webinar
Also at 10 am EST on the 15th, ASTM’s AM Center of Excellence (AMCoE) is holding the first of a two-part webinar on AM feedstock, “Metal Powder Characterization and Specification.” Dr. Steven Hall, a Senior Research Engineer in the Advanced Materials Processing group at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in the UK, will be teaching the webinar, and attendees should come out with a basic understanding of commonly used AM powder characterization techniques, as well as an appreciation of how AM powder feedstock is typically specified.
“Part 1 of the AM Feedstock webinar covers the fundamental concepts of metal powder characterization and specification including:
An overview of powder characterization techniques used in AM
Highlights of gaps in powder testing standards and ongoing research activities
An overview of AM powder feedstock specifications
Details on the development of new test methods on flowability and spreadability in AM
You can register for both parts of the webinar here. Part 2 is available on-demand, and each part will cost $49, or you can purchase registration for both in a $75 bundle.
Allevi Bioprint Pro by 3D Systems Webinar
Allevi Bioprint Pro software, released in 2019 and now owned by 3D Systems, makes it possible to set up well plate experiments, with different experimental groups, through one interface, without having to run different prints for every parameter you test. At 11 am EST on Thursday the 15th, 3D Systems and Allevi will be holding a webinar, “Streamlining Well Plate Experiments with Allevi Bioprint Pro,” which is basically a step-by-step guide to bioprinting using the software’s new Experiment Templates feature, which takes the original interface functionality even further. With speaker Aidan Zerdoum, a Bioengineer at Allevi by 3D Systems, attendees will learn how to use the software’s suggested experimental setups, easily repeat past material configurations and experiments, rapidly prototype materials by fine-tuning print parameters, and more.
“This new feature enables you to use Allevi’s suggested experimental setups for bioink optimization, cell concentration testing, infill manipulation, and others. With this level of automation, you do not need to worry about your bioprint experimental setup and can focus on the outputs that matter most.”
You can register for the webinar here.
3DHeals on Point of Care 3D Printing
Point of care (POC) 3D printing is a big benefit when healthcare systems adopt 3D printing, as it demonstrates an ability to decentralize the manufacturing of personalized medical devices like implants, surgical guides, and anatomical models. 3DHeals is holding a webinar about POC 3D printing, sponsored by Kumovis, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm EST on the 15th, and featuring a panel of experts with clinical and industrial experiences in POC 3D printing. Moderated by Hannah Riedle, the Munich-based 3DHEALS community manager, each speaker will present for 15-20 minutes, followed by a Q&A session, and after the panel is over, there will be a full group discussion. The speakers will be Andrew Woodward with the Advanced Medical Imaging Lab (AMIL) at The University of North Carolina Medical Center; Martin Herzmann, Business Development Manager at Kumovis; Paul Fotheringham, the Founder and head of European operations, 3D LifePrints (3DLP); and Daniel Crawford, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of axial3D.
“We will also have breakout rooms after the webinar presentations for networking purposes, which will last around 30 minutes.
“We are also open to meeting Pitch3D startups during the breakout session, and you can apply here.”
You can register for the webinar here. The on-demand recording will be available here after the event.
Virtual Tour of HP’s 3D Printing Demo Center
Finishing up the week is a virtual tour of HP‘s 3D Printing Demo Center in Palo Alto, California, focusing on robotics use, at 12 pm EST on Thursday the 15th. Attendees will learn how HP’s Multi Jet Fusion AM technology works, receive an overview of the company’s machine portfolio and 3D printing workflow, have the chance to ask questions, learn about robotic EOAT case studies and sample parts, and more.
“During this 90-min session, you will learn how companies are using HP Jet Fusion 3D printers to produce customized, lightweight, & air-tight end-of-arm tools (EOAT) resulting in substantial cost savings and faster speed to market.”
You can register for the virtual tour here.
Do you have news to share about any future webinars or virtual and live events? Please let us know!
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