If you are a new 3D printing manufacturer wondering what it will take to break into the industry, you better have a lot to offer online shoppers, to include unique features, choices in models, and a competitive pricing structure. Even if you can offer all that, breaking into the 3D printer popularity contest that’s been ongoing at Best Buy and Amazon for the past few years won’t be easy. Considering the predictability we see each quarter in data, it’s safe to assume that consumers are more than happy with names like Robo3D, Dremel, FlashForge—and mainly, XYZprinting.
Following data from JeeQ each quarter in regards to online sales for both Best Buy and Amazon, we see the same names often attached to multiple products. Sometimes there’s a minor shuffle of the hierarchy, but mainly we see XYZprinting taking the lion’s share of consumer sales from Best Buy. For Q1 2017, the top five 3D printers (see chart below for the full picture) are still in place. This quarter, the Robo 3D R1 Plus is settled back into first place, and once again the Dremel Idea Builder 3D20-01 is relegated to second. The New Matter MOD-t has been pushed back down to the fifth spot, nestled in between a whole lot of XYZprinting business—from the da Vinci 1.0 and the da Vinci Junior 1.0 to five other models on the list.
Obviously, XYZprinting has a firm grip on what 3D printing enthusiasts want to purchase for the desktop—although they have generously allowed MakerBot a couple of slots on the chart at numbers 11 and 13 with the Replicator Z18 and the Replicator Mini, respectively.
It’s no surprise to see that for Best Buy’s ‘Top Ten Best Seller Appearance Share by Manufacturer,’ XYZprinting has more than half the pie to themselves at 54.36%. Robo3D, Dremel, and New Matter each have a nice sliver as well, with the other manufacturers owning minimal percentages. The ‘Trend by Manufacturer’ tells the story of the top five, but with some surges—and declines—from MakerBot, indicating some instability. XYZprinting? Well, take a look below! The Taiwanese manufacturer is far and away ahead of everyone else for online sales with Best Buy.

The data for online titan Amazon usually tells a different quarterly story, with 3D printing pens coming out on top due to price and ease of use for all ages. While the Monoprice MP Select Mini surprised us all last quarter in toppling the pens, it has moved back down to number four this quarter, with the Maker Select following in fifth. Not to be ignored either is the 3Doodler Create—in third place. The FlashForge Creator is still a favorite, moving up to the sixth slot this quarter. The economical da Vinci Mini follows, along with a selection of pens and supplies.
For Amazon’s ‘Top Ten Best Seller Appearance Share by Manufacturer,’ you’ll notice a sharp contrast from Best Buy’s data. XYZprinting owns a mere 8.30% of the share, while Monoprice holds 22.73%, Flashforge has 10.80%, and 3D printing pens take up a small share each too. The ‘Trend by Manufacturer’ shows Monoprice taking off ahead of the pack, with FlashForge offering some attention-getting peaks on the chart.
Do you want to track current trends in 3D printing also? If so, you can sign up for your own account at JeeQ—or just check back with 3DPrint.com, when we review the next quarter’s information. Also, you can compare with last quarter’s data here. Discuss in the JeeQ forum at 3DPB.com.
[Data and Images shared with 3DPrint.com by JeeQ]
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