RoVa4D Full-Color Blender 3D Printer Commands Stellar Kickstarter Campaign Ending Tomorrow; Larger Build Height Announced

Just one look! That’s all it took for a long list of makers to recognize that the RoVa4D Full Color Blender 3D Printer was something special. Without even reading a list of features or scanning a spec sheet, it’s obvious there’s something drastically new and different going on here in the world of 3D printing magic. The design exudes vibrant mystery, with a futuristic, eccentric aesthetic. No matter what it does, your first instinct is to get closer and flip the switch. Let’s see what this contraption does!

Many had the same urge, allowing a humble goal of $25,000 CAD to skyrocket already far past that, hovering at nearly $209K CAD, and with still a day to go. There wasn’t any slow buildup here either, as we reported several weeks ago, watching the RoVa4D receive funding within six hours, and spilling with instant success over 500 percent of their goal in that first week. You may have noted, as we have, with products that skyrocket like this on Kickstarter, they all generally have one thing in common: true authenticity. Throw in two big doses of functionality and affordability—and you’ve got a potential winner in the marketplace.

ORD Solutions is most likely already quite aware they have a huge success on their hands. The next step now is completing the campaign, which ends tomorrow (August 24th) and getting to work on fulfilling rewards. Before that however, some issues have been ferreted out and fixed, and a few tweaks and updates have been made—along with some cool prints for you to take a look at. The biggest news however is that ORD has decided to increase the size of the build height for the printer, taking the build volume from 12″ x 12″ x 12″ to 12″ x 12″ x 18″. This comes on the heels of asking users what they thought, and the majority were affirmative in seeking greater build height, but with an overall concern for loss of stability and possible negative trade-offs. Assured by ORD Solutions that they will receive all of the benefit with no drawbacks, that change has indeed been made.

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This isn’t the 3D printer manufacturer’s first wild ride on Kickstarter or their journey toward refining hardware, as the veteran 3D printing manufacturers from Canada released their first innovation on the 3D printer front in 2013 with the MH3000, bearing five extruders. After that came the RoVa3D multi-color 3D printer, also successful.

“We delivered every 3D printer pledged for from both of those campaigns!” states the team on their current Kickstarter page. “And we’ve since sold many hundreds more of the RoVa3D and had two more years of market feedback from our growing customer base.”

With that track record and success comes an evolution resulting in their latest endeavor, the RoVa4D. We certainly have the privilege of reporting on nearly every 3D printer imaginable here at, so it’s refreshing to witness real innovation that should offer not just many hours of enjoyment for users, but also bring forth some great projects.

ORD Solutions has expanded both the color chart and use of materials for their following of eager makers, with an unlimited amount of color combinations to be used in a print. The biggest point of interest for this printer is that you can delineate where the colors are going to go on your print, with all the colors actually being mixed in the ‘blender’ portion. Not only that, with the second hotend, multiple PLA filaments (as many as five) can be blended together—allowing for you to start your own mad scientist’s lab in the workshop, making up new material recipes at will. A third hotend is specifically delegated to handling supports.

And while they still have time on their hands not only to work on areas like new print height and build size, if you check out the updates section on the RoVa4D Kickstarter page, you’ll see that the team has tackled some substantial issues with filaments and suppliers, all recently resolved. Other updates of interest include:

  • Attendance at the Detroit Maker Faire – where the RoVA4D was blowing people’s minds! Check out the pictures of their booth and the quite entertaining video where you can see the color-blending printer in action.
  • Information about RoVa-Slice – check out accompanying features and all of the implementations those purchasing the RoVa4D will be able to look forward to, including painting within the slicing software, using existing 3D models that have been painted with an external program, pantone calibration, expanded transformations and model management, as well as more streamlined workflow (and much more).
  • A first look at the RoVa4D safety enclosure – this is a part of the printer which has been fully tested. It’s lockable and will not open until the printer is both stationary and cooled down. It also blends in with the aesthetics of the machine and is completely transparent so that you can see what’s happening from any angle.
  • The Pink Panther Woman print – worth taking a peak at, this 3D printed female figure shows some of the experimentation you can perform with color.
  • The Walter White print – here’s some great evidence of what you can do with the painting features—not only that, this is an interesting project in itself, even featuring Walt’s glasses and hat! You can also see another (and more successful) variation on skin tone.
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While the early bird specials at $4500 CAD (translating to around $3425 USD) have all run out, there are still printer rewards available for the RoVa4D Package at $4600 CAD (~$3500 USD), including free shipping in Canada and the continental US. As those are sold, increments go up by $100 CAD, allowing for numerous backers to still put their money down and look forward to receiving a printer during or after spring of next year, depending on the package.

The RoVa4D is a comprehensive machine serving as perfect evidence that the Ontario-based company is once again moving forward in their mission to offer makers ‘the best value’ and indeed, they are continually upgrading their technology and putting it right into the marketplace for consumers. Still curious about full color blending? Check out the videos below, as well as heading over to Kickstarter if you are planning to get in on the tail end of this amazing campaign. Are you thinking about backing the RoVa4D? Discuss further over in the RoVa4D 3D Printer campaign at

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