Italian 3D printer manufacturer Sharebot seems to be firing on all cylinders here lately, launching new products and applications, and partnering with major companies like Arduino. By reaching out to various entities throughout the 3D printing space and launching a series of new printers and products, the company has set themselves up for major growth.
Today, Sharebot will be unveiling yet another 3D printer, called the Sharebot J-3D (Sharebot Jewelry 3D), at Vicenzaoro, an international event dedicated to art within the goldsmith industry. The event, which is being held at Fiera di Vicenza, starting today and running until January 28, is something anyone interested in the art of jewelry would enjoy.
“Sharebot has the great honor to participate to such an important event, a symbol of the Made in Italy excellence so that even an innovative world like the goldsmith’s art could know the advantages that 3D printing could offer,” stated the company.

For the J-3D printer, Sharebot has teamed up with Mario Di Maio SpA, an Italian tools and machinery company specializing in goldsmith, silversmith, and jewelry activities. The company has over 95 years of experience within the industry and is sure to be a valuable partner for Sharebot in their drive to reach jewelry manufacturers.
The Sharebot J-3D is an SLA printer which cures resin within a special drip tray via UV light. Sharebot’s research and development team has created this printer with the help of engineers from Mario Di Maio, who have provided specifics which make this model appeal more to the goldsmith and jewelry communities. The exact specifications for this new machine have yet to be announced, but will likely be unveiled at Vicenzaoro today.
As the resolution and accuracy of 3D printing technology improves, there is no doubt that the jewelry industry will see increased adoption rates of 3D printers across the board. Such technology enables infinitely complex designs to come alive in the physical world, taking artisan jewelry to a new level.
Let us know if you are in attendance at Vicenzaoro, and if you had the opportunity to check Sharebot’s latest 3D printer out. Discuss in the Sharebox J-3D forum thread on 3DPB.com.
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